Noteworthy Web Articles: June 2012

Here are our picks for interesting articles we've come across in June 2012. The summarized posts have links to the original article and, to help you locate them in the future, links to the categories and topics where they're also filed.
  • Landfill-free Manufacturing: Ideas for You?  A couple of car companies at the 2012 Auto Show in Chicago touted their "Zero landfill" achievements. My first reaction: Wow! My second reaction: Yeah, right.
  • Prevent Sports Injuries? There's an App for That  Neither reformed couch potatoes, professional athletes, nor sports and fitness buffs are immune to sprains, pains or serious damage to their ACL (knee ligament) or other body parts.
  • Life Cycle Analysis Fuels Biofuel Dispute  In the words of Kermit the Frog, "It's not easy being green." Paper or plastic? That's easy (kind of): Neither. Bio- or fossil fuels? "Neither" isn't a realistic option when it comes to energy.
  • A Better Way; Ten Creative Inventions  What draws more water and more energy than any other daily household activity? Discover a solution to this situation and 9 others.