
Home > Health/Lifestyle

Practical ways to maintain and improve well-being: yours and those around you.
Practical, non-medical aspects of aging-related conditions and ways to counter their effects.
 DisabilityPractical, non-medical aspects of disabilities and ways to improve the quality of life for those living with disabling conditions.
 ExerciseValue of exercise, regardless of age, weight, gender or physical condition.
Topics relating to food and nutrition from various, sometimes controversial viewpoints.
The reasons and sources of obesity, suggestions for improving health and well-being.
Attributes of (and attitudes toward) organic vs. non-organic foods.
Some of the aspects of how we think, make decisions and act.
 SmokingHealth hints and additional food for thought for smokers and non-smokers alike.


I think I got a fake pair of Yeezy sneakers but I'm still going to wear them like they are real because they still look good