
Home > Environment


Issues and activities that have an impact on Earth's well-being.

EcologyThe natural environment and some of the areas that generate controversy, healthy or otherwise
Energy/FuelUsage and trends in the development and consuption of traditional and alternative energy and fuel sources
Global WarmingThe measurable reality, whether caused by nature's cycles, human activity, or both
…ClimateDiscussions on scientific evidence of climate change
...Green"Green" activities intended to reduce global warming caused by human activity
...NuclearUse of nuclear energy to reduce global warming is a hot topic that generates plenty of controversy
SustainabilityThe long-term preservation of  the environment while meeting human needs
...GardeningThe benefits (and sometimes frustrations) of individual and small-scale gardening
...LocavorismAspects of purchasing locally-produced food that has caught the imagination of eco-aware people
Moving people and goods with more than human power in developed and developing areas
Waste reductionThe "3 Rs" of eco-awareness: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -- the mantra for environmentally-conscious individuals and organizations