Lapses in Science Ethics and Unfortunate Consequences

Tuesday, August 10 2010

On July 22 2010, both The Economist and the European Science Foundation (ESF) published articles on science fraud and ethical conduct. Coincidence, surely, but the two publications come to similar conclusions.

The Economist article looks at the root causes of academic fraud and the unfortunate consequences…for China in this particular article. The ESF article discusses a new code of conduct for European scientists and also points out similar "unfortunate consequences" of research dishonesty that negatively impact not only the perpetrator, but the scientist's organization and even his or her country.

Pointing out these recent articles in no way implies that U.S. scientists are immune to the siren song of "quick and dirty" research for personal gain. Hardly. Type the word "bioethics" in any search box in this BioTech Circle site  and you'll find some interesting reading.

Category: Enigmas, Tough Challenges
Filed under: Ethics